2023-1.08 - 100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy

100 years of Treaty of Trianon
100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy
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Birher Nándor (100%): From primatial law to ecclesial social movements. In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 11

Boóc Ádám (100%): Remarks to the Notion of Liability of Arbitrator in Older Hungarian Private Law – with a Comparative Legal Approach. In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 20

Dobrovič Ľuboš (100%): Selected aspects of the process of concluding international agreements from the point of view of Roman and modern law (Vybrané aspekty procesu uzatvárania medzinárodných zmlúv z pohľadu rímskeho a moderného práva). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 47

Fico Miroslav (100%): Reflection of the 10th anniversary of the Trianon peace treaty in the contemporary press (Reflexia 10teho výročia Trianonskej mierovej zmluvy v dobovej tlači). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 83

FICO, M.: Obchodovanie s ľuďmi v trestnom zákonodarstve medzivojnovej Československej republiky, In: Trestné činy proti svobodě a lidské dustojnosti včera a dnes, Brno, Masarykova univerzita, 2023, s. 35-46.
Link: https://www.law.muni.cz/sborniky/trestne-ciny-proti-svobode/trestne-ciny-proti-svobode.pdf

Koncz Ibolya Katalin (100%):  The Hungarian pension insurance as part of social policy in the first part of the 20th century (Die ungarische Rentenversicherung als Teil der Sozialpolitik im ersten Teil des 20. Jahrhunderts). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 98

Kosior Wojciech J. (100%): The Racial Equality Proposal during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and its influence on modern antidiscrimination law. In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 112

Kováčová Dominika (100%): Proposals on the issue of war damages and methods of compensation by enemy states formulated by the Czechoslovak delegation (Návrhy a projekty k otázke vojnových škôd a spôsoby ich náhrady nepriateľskými štátmi formulované československou delegáciou). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 126

Miskolczi-Bodnár Péter (100%): Cogent rules for private law contracts in the Trianon Peace Treaty (Magánjogi szerződésekre vonatkozó kógens szabályok a Trianoni békeszerződésben). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 183

Nagy Péter (100%): The life and work of Miklós Ujlaki (Ujlaki Miklós élete és munkássága). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 209

Pandy Dávid (100%): Efforts to keep the territory of Slovakia within the borders of the first Hungarian Republic(Snahy o udržanie územia Slovenska v hraniciach prvej Maďarskej republiky). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 236

Pištejová Lucia (100%): Finalization of the negotiations on the Treaty of Trianon – the last steps towards its signing (Finalizácia rokovaní o Trianonskej mierovej zmluve – posledné kroky k jej podpisu). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 254

PIŠTEJOVÁ, L.: Postavenie československej diplomacie a jej pôsobenie na smerovanie medzivojnovej Európy (The Position of czechoslovak Diplomacy and its Influence of the Direction of interwar Europe)
In: BERNÍKOVÁ, E. - PISARČÍKOVÁ, D. – REPIŠČÁKOVÁ, D. (eds.): Právo bez hraníc. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie doktorandov a mladých výskumných pracovníkov. Košice: UPJŠ - Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress, 2023, s. 356, ISBN: 978-80-574-0243-5.
Link: https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/europske-a-medzinarodne-pravo/1872-pravo-bez-hranic

Świgroň – Skok Renata (100%): The problem of unification of Polish inheritance law after 1918 on the example of the rules of liability for inheritance debts (Problem unifikacji polskiego prawa spadkowego po 1918 roku na przykładzie zasad odpowiedzialności za długi spadkowe). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 268

Sudzina Milan (100%): Historical aspects of use institutes in Slovakia in the period after 1948 (Historické aspekty užívacích inštitútov na Slovensku v období po roku 1948). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 287

Štenpien Erik (100%): Trianon – a new Beginning or a bitter End? (Trianon – nový začiatok, alebo trpký koniec?). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 335

VAŇA, Ivan: Československo-poľské vzťahy v medzivojnovom období z dôrazom na územie Spiša a Oravy In: BERNÍKOVÁ, E. - PISARČÍKOVÁ, D. – REPIŠČÁKOVÁ, D. (eds.): Právo bez hraníc. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie doktorandov a mladých výskumných pracovníkov. Košice: UPJŠ - Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress, 2023, s. 103 - 122, ISBN: 978-80-574-0243-5.
Link: https://unibook.upjs.sk/en/european-law-international-law/1872-law-without-borders

Vaňa Ivan (100%): The peace conference and the positions of the Czechoslovak and Polish Republics towards the disputed territory of Spiš and Orava (Mierová konferencia a postoje Československej a Poľskej republiky k spornému územiu Spiša a Oravy). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 345

Vrana Vladimír (100%): Little Entente (Malá dohoda). In: Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška (eds): Peace negotiations after year 1918 and their influence to modern law, The Collection of scientific Contributions of the Interna, Košice, 13.-14.04.2023, 2023. ISBN 978-80-574-0237-4, str. 362
© Právnická fakulta Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020-2024
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