POPULARIZATION ACTIVITIES - 100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy

100 years of Treaty of Trianon
100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy
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Project webside trianon.pravo.upjs.sk
Since 2020, the website promotes the activities of the members of the collective, informs the professional and lay public about the results of the researchers activities, conferences and workshops.

A legal-historical view of the Slovak Matica Slovakia and Trianon. Lecture in cooperation with the Slovak Matrix. Date and venue: 23.10.2023 at 08.30. Auditorium M5, Rector's Office, UPJŠ Rectorate

The lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc - topic: Foundations of Public Administration in Eastern Slovakia before World War I - held on 16 March 2022 in distance form. Lecturer. JUDr. Erik Štenpien, PhD. The lecture presented the basic tendencies of the development of public administration in Eastern Slovakia (especially in the region of Abov and Turňa) in the period preceding the war conflict and then sought the starting points for the post-war development.

The lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc - topic: Legislative activity of the Hungarian Parliament in the Estates Period - held on 19 October 2022 in distance form. Lecturer. JUDr. Erik Štenpien, PhD. The lecture was focused on the analysis of the legislative activity of the Hungarian Parliament resulting from its diplomatic competence. This opens up the possibility of a comprehensive examination of the history of diplomacy, the culmination of which, from the point of view of the APVV project, is the Treaty of Trianon.

The Versailles Peace Conference of 1919 and the documents it adopted - a workshop for students of the Faculty of Law and the public. Date and venue: 8 December 2022 at 12.35 pm, Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice, lecture room P12, Kováčska 30.

A trianoni békeszerződés hatása a magyar állam és jog fejlődésére (The Impact of the Trianon Peace Treaty on the Development of State and Law in Hungary) - a workshop for students, professionals and the general public. Date and venue: 9 December 2022 at 2 p.m., Faculty of Law, Gáspár Károly Reformed University, Auditorium 205, Viola u. 5, Budapest.

Promotion of the conference Milestones of Legal Development in Europe after the First World War. See the website of the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc: Milestones of Legal Development in Europe after the First World War: Department of History (upol.cz)

Promotion of the conference Milestones of Legal Development in Europe after the First World War. See the website of Portal VŠ: Milestones of legal development in Europe after the First World War | Portal VŠ (portalvs.sk)

Promotion of the publication and publication of the full text of Milestones of Legal Development in Europe after the First World War. See website: Milestones of legal development in Europe after the First World War - eKnizky.sk

Promotion of the conference and publication of the full text of the proceedings of World War I and Its Consequences in State Law on the web of the Veritas professional association in Hungary. Az államellenes bűncselekmények változása az első világháborút követően Magyarországon és Csehszlovákiában (veritasintezet.hu). Link to the proceedings (veritasintezet.hu)

Interview with doc. JUDr. Erikem Štenpienem, PhD., In: Bulletin Evropské společnosti pro právní dějiny | The European Society for History of Law, z. s.,číslo 1, ročník 7, 5. duben 2021, ISSN: 2464-4889, str. 22 – 23.

Invitation to the Conference 100 Years of the Treaty of Trianon - Diplomacy, State and Law at the Turn of the Century, In: Bulletin of the European Society for Legal History | T he European Society for History of Law, z. s.,issue 1, volume 7, 5 April 2021, ISSN: 2464-4889, p.26

Pištejová, Lucia: 100 years of the Treaty of Trianon - diplomacy, state and law at the turn of the century. In: Universitas Šafarikiana , Vol. 48, No. 4/2021, ISSN: 1338/1377, p. 25.

http://trianon.pravo.upjs.sk - project website launched in Slovak and English

SZEGHY-GAYER Veronika: Szlovák Trianon-újdonságok. Published: URL: www.trianon100.hu/blog-cikk/szlovak-trianon-ujdonsagok (15. 10. 2020)
The author is the solver of a similar project witch deals with the issue of The Treaty of Trianon in Hungary. The article published on the above web address deals with novelties in the study of the issue by Slovak general and legal historians. In addition to the publications that have been published in our country recently, she also introduces our project to readers and gives its characteristics.
© Právnická fakulta Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020-2024
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