RESOLUTION COLLECTION - 100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy

100 years of Treaty of Trianon
100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy
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Doc. JUDr. Erik Štenpien is an associate professor of legal history, habilitated in 2013. In his reasearch activities he deals on a long-term basis with public law matters (history of local administration), as well as with the private law history (history of civil law) before 1918. Since 2008, be sides theoretical research, he has been involved in applied research as well.
His first Slovak translation of Tripartite by Stephen Werbőczy is a ground breaking work in the field of Slovak legal history. The work is quoted not only in Slovakia, but also in the Czech Republic, Hungary and even in Great Britain. Applicative significance of this collection of feudal noble law, that was in force until 1950 and was replaced by the first Civil Code, was mani fested among other things in allowing cases to beclosed before courts, where the knowledge of noble legal norms was necessary.
The VEGA grant task mentioned above, whose teams wereled by the principal investigator can also be considered as applied research. The irresults serve the members of the Recodification Commision for the preparation of the new Civil Code of Slovakia as a basis for improving their work.

Doc. JUDr. Vladimír Vrana, PhD. worksat the Department of History of the State and Law of the University of P. J. Šafárik - Faculty of Law since 1990. As an associate professor he teaches Roman law, the history of Canon law as well as Justinian’s Digest and its impact on the development of modern law.
In his scientific research and individual publications, he has so far specialized and focused on legal analysis of selected legal institutes of Roman private law (emptio-venditio, the issue of lending bordering on usury and the subsequent execution of rulings as well as Roman public law, analyzing selected crimina publica in Roman criminal law, understanding the concept of legality in Roman law and the current legal order of the Slovak Republic, comparing and applying the various legal and philosophical institutes of ius titiae, a equitaset honestas in law; 'Constitutionality' of dictatorships in Roman public life; partially he delas with legal exegesis of case studies of Roman lawyers; mutual correlation of private and public law.Similarly he deal swith the comparison of the legal-theoretical and legal-historical bases and the legacy of individual legal institutes of Roman and Canon law for modern law. Doc. Vrana is a co-researcher of several successful grant projects VEGA, KEGA and has been cooperating scientifically for a long time with legal romanists and canonists from several legal faculties in the Slovak Republic and abroad.

Doc. JUDr. Miroslav Fico, PhD. works as an assistant professor at the Department of the History of State and Law of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law. He is a successful solver of several grant projects. In his scientific profile he focuses on the issues of national legal history, with an emphasis on the historical development of individual legal branches and their institutes - primarily in the period of the inter war Czechoslovak Republic between 1918 – 1938. Long-term focus of the scientific research of Dr. Fico (the period of the so-called 1st Czechoslovakia) this appropriately over laps with the primary period (of planned research) of theTreaty of Trianon.

JUDr. Ľuboš Dobrovič, Ph.D. is a graduate of doctoral studies (PhD.) at the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law in the field of Theory and History of the State and Law with a focus on Roman law. Since 2018, he has been working at the UPJŠ Faculty of Law as an assistant professor and currently focuses academically and scientifically on the field of Roman law as the starting point for a large number of modern legal systems. In the past,JUDr. Dobrovič was also the solver of several (active and already completed) grant projects. Experience in solving various grant tasks represents a significant benefit for the research team of the grant project "100 years of the Treaty of Trianon".

Doc. JUDr. Milan Sudzina, PhD. works as an associate profesor at the Department of Civil Law of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik - Faculty of Law. He is a successful solver of grant projects. His scientific activities are focused on research of land law in the current legal regulations of the Slovak Republic as well as bankruptcy and settlement issues.

doc, JUDr. Diana Treščáková, PhD. as an associate professor at the Department of Commercial Law focuses mainly on the area of contract law, both in the private sector and in the public sector. Her research also focuses on issues related to international trade law, which are closely related to both international conventions and international organizations. She is the author of a monographen titled "Liability for Breach of Commercial Law Obligations".She is a co-author of a scientific monographen titled "The Effectiveness of Selected Legal Institutes and Economic - Financial Instruments in the System of Economic Regulation". She is the author and co-author of commentaries, numerous Professional articles and studies, published both in periodic and non-periodics our cesboth at home and abroad, such as “Relationship of the global economic crisis and the crisis in compliance with commercial obligations–inter connections and solutions “ or “ Public sector finances in times of economic crisis“ as well as " The historical development of the law of obligations and the related development of trading and contracts in our territory " and " On the development of the institute of the purchase contract in our territory (thoughts)". She has completed many study visits and internships a broad as well as attended conferences abroad, for example in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Prague, Krakow and Cannes.

JUDr. Dávid Pandy, PhD. is a scientist at the Department of the History of State and Law of the UPJŠ - Faculty of Law. His primary in arestis the criminal law of the inter war Czechoslovak Republic, namely the legal status of juveniles.The scientific focus of the co-investigator is thus directly related to the examined issue of the Treaty of Trianon, the consequences of which determine the inter-war period examined by Dr. Pandy.

JUDr. Lucia Pištejová, PhD. is a scientist at the Department of the History of State and Law of the UPJŠ - Faculty of Law. The objective of her research are national assamblies whose task was to adopt international treaties. The scientific focus of the co-investigator is thus directly related to the examined issue of the Treaty of Trianon.

Prof., dr. hab. Renata Świrgoń – Skok is a professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Rzeszów (Poland).Her research focuses on Roman private law and public law issues, as well as the generally unders tood Roman roots of European law, in particular Polish civil law.She is currently researching the principles of inheritance law in a historical and legal sense, as the Roman legal idea creatively adapted to the needs of future generations is also applied in modern Polish in her fitance law. She is the author of numerous monographs, Professional studies and articles in renowned journals and edited volumes. Since 2015 she has been a visiting professor at UPJŠ - Faculty of Law.

Prof. Dr. István Stipta is a professor at the Faculty of Law of Károlyi Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest (Hungary). In his scientific work he focuses on the history of public law in Europe.His research includes the development of the judiciary in Hungary after the Trianon Treaty.He is the author of a large number of textbooks, monographs and articles also in renowned, certified journals.

Dr. habil. Dr. Birher Nándor is an associate profesor at the Faculty of Law of Károlyi Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest (Hungary). He is a renowned Hungarian legal the orist. In his work he deals with research of state and other changes in Central Europea fterth econclusion of theTreaty of Trianon.

Prof. Dr. Boóc Ádám is an profesor at the Faculty of Law of Károlyi Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest (Hungary). His scientific work focuses on the public aspects affecting the development of private law in Hungary after the conclusion of theTreaty of Trianon.

Prof. Dr. Miskolczi-Bodnár Péter is a professor and the dean of the Faculty of Law of Károlyi Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest (Hungary). He has been studying the economic changes that occurred in Hungary in the second half of the 1920s for many years. He is the author of many publications and textbooks dealing with this issue.

Doc. Dr. Koncz Ibolya Katalin is an associate profesor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc (Hungary).She is a renowned author of textbooks and monographs dealing with changes in Hungarian law and judiciary, with particular emphas is on the public law implications of international peace treaties on private law.

dr.iur Nagy Péter is a young researcher – assistant profesor at the Faculty of Law of Károlyi Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest (Hungary). In his work he has been dealing with the relationship between the Protestant Church and the development of law in Hungary. At the same time, he also deals with the history of administrative justice in Hungary in the first half of the 20th century.

Dr. Wojciech Kosior, LL.M.  
Is an assistent professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Rzeszów (Poland). His research focuses on the impact of the Treaty of Trianon on the legal systems of Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia (Slovak Republic). His research should contribute to the knowledge of the development tendencies of the current legal order of the Slovak Republic, but also of neighboring countries after the adoption of the Treaty of Trianon.

JUDr. Dominika Kováčová is a full-time PhD student at the Department of the History of State and Law of the UPJŠ - Faculty of Law.

JUDr. Ivan Vaňa is a full-time PhD student at the Department of the History of State and Law of the UPJŠ - Faculty of Law.

Ing. Ivan Svatuška is the head of the Computer Science Department and the computer network administrator at the P. J. Šafárik University - Faculty of Law. He will cooperate on the project as support staff.
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